Bette Adriaanse

The story of the pool


400 x 400 x 300 cm

Wood, paper, pencil, bolts, string

A spatial drawing installation, consisting of cut-out drawings mounted on wood and attached to the ceiling by strings. The scene depicts a man kneeling by the body of a woman lying on the edge of a pool in a forest. A dog sits nearby, his paw resting on a page of an open book.

The setting is reminiscent of the Greek myth of Procris. There have been many different retellings of this story through the ages, in some versions she was accidentally killed by her husband, others suggest she strayed but reconciled with her husband by giving him a magical dog. In this modern day depiction, the figures are frozen in their position, but the bolts and wires suggest they could begin moving again at any moment, when someone starts telling the story again.

